Physical-Distanced Labyrinth Walking

The last several months, we have been reflecting on how we can offer sacred encounter in physical space in the midst of a global pandemic. After a period of discernment and attention to health and safety needs, we have decided to create opportunities for labyrinth walking in our sanctuary.

Walking the Labyrinth requires an appointment, which can be booked ahead of time in 30 minute increments. Appointments are limited to one individual or household, and can only be booked on an individual basis. Upon check-in, temperatures will be screened, shoe covers will be provided, and masks will be required. After we meet these requirements for wellness and safety, full access will be granted to the sanctuary to walk the labyrinth, and simply have space for reflection. There will be chairs available that will be wiped down between each visit.

New to Labyrinths? Click Here to learn more about labyrinth walking and what this experience offers.

We hope this experience will be meaningful for the community. There is no cost, though if you feel desire to respond generously, you are welcome to make a donation to Community of Christ.

To schedule your appointment, please use the scheduler below. We look forward to seeing you soon!